Data flow tool that transform your notebooks and python files into pipeline steps by standardizing the data input / output.
Data flow tool that transform your notebooks and python files into pipeline steps by standardizing the data input / output. (for data science projects)
Create clean data flow pipelines just by replacing your pd.read_csv() and df.to_csv() by sf.load() and
01. ../demo_project/notebooks/01_ingestion/countries.ipynb
Variables: {}
using kernel: python3
Path: ../demo_project/notebooks/01_ingestion/countries.ipynb
Duration: 0 days 00:00:00.603051
Env: {}
Notebook executed successfully.
02. ../demo_project/notebooks/01_ingestion/world_happiness.ipynb
Variables: {}
using kernel: python3
Path: ../demo_project/notebooks/01_ingestion/world_happiness.ipynb
Duration: 0 days 00:00:00.644909
Env: {}
Notebook executed successfully.
Load and save data
Option 1: Specify All Parameters
import stdflow as sfimport pandas as pd# load data from ../demo_project/data/countries/step_loaded/v_202309212245/countries.csvdf = sf.load( root="../demo_project/data/", attrs=['countries'], step='created', version=':last', # loads last version in alphanumeric order file_name='countries.csv', method=pd.read_csv, # or method='csv' verbose=False,)# export data to ./data/raw/twitter/france/step_processed/v_1/ df, root="../demo_project/data/", attrs='countries/', step='loaded', version='%Y-03', # creates v_2023-03 file_name='countries.csv', method=pd.DataFrame.to_csv, # or method='csv' or any function that takes the object to export as first input)
Each time you perform a save, a metadata.json file is created in the folder. This keeps track of how your data was created and other information.
Option 2: Use default variables
import stdflow as sfsf.reset() # used when multiple steps are done with the same Step object (not recommended). see below# use package level default valuessf.root ="../demo_project/data/"sf.attrs ='countries'# if needed use attrs_in and attrs_outsf.step_in ='loaded'sf.step_out ='formatted'df = sf.load()# ! root / attrs / step : used from default values set above# ! version : the last version was automatically used. default: ":last"# ! file_name : the file, alone in the folder, was automatically found# ! method : was automatically used from the file ! root / attrs / step : used from default values set above# ! version: used default %Y%m%d%H%M format# ! file_name: used from the input (because only one file)# ! method : inferred from file name
Note that everything we did at package level can be done with the Step class When you have multiple steps in a notebook, you can create one Step object per step. stdflow (sf) at package level is a singleton instance of Step.
from stdflow import Stepstep = Step( root="../demo_project/data/", attrs='countries', step_in='formatted', step_out='pre_processed')# or set afterstep.root ="../demo_project/data/"# ...df = step.load(version=':last', file_name=":auto", verbose=True), verbose=True)
INFO:stdflow.step:Loading data from ../demo_project/data/countries/step_formatted/v_202310101716/countries.csv
INFO:stdflow.step:Data loaded from ../demo_project/data/countries/step_formatted/v_202310101716/countries.csv
INFO:stdflow.step:Saving data to ../demo_project/data/countries/step_pre_processed/v_202310101716/countries.csv
INFO:stdflow.step:Data saved to ../demo_project/data/countries/step_pre_processed/v_202310101716/countries.csv
INFO:stdflow.step:Saving metadata to ../demo_project/data/countries/step_pre_processed/v_202310101716/
Each time you perform a save, a metadata.json file is created in the folder. This keeps track of how your data was created and other information.
Do not
Save in the same directory from different steps. Because this will erase metadata from the previous step.
Data visualization
import stdflow as, verbose=True, export_viz_tool=True)
INFO:stdflow.step:Saving data to ../demo_project/data/countries/step_pre_processed/v_202310101716/countries.csv
INFO:stdflow.step:Data saved to ../demo_project/data/countries/step_pre_processed/v_202310101716/countries.csv
INFO:stdflow.step:Saving metadata to ../demo_project/data/countries/step_pre_processed/v_202310101716/
INFO:stdflow.step:Exporting viz tool to ../demo_project/data/countries/step_pre_processed/v_202310101716/
This command exports a folder metadata_viz in the same folder as the data you exported. The metadata to display is saved in the metadata.json file.
In order to display it you need to get both the file and the folder on your local pc (download if you are working on a server)
Then go to the html file in your file explorer and open it. it should open in your browser and lets you upload the metadata.json file.
Data flow tool that transform your notebooks and python files into pipeline steps by standardizing the data input / output. (for data science projects)
Create clean data flow pipelines just by replacing your pd.read_csv() and df.to_csv() by sf.load() and
Data Organization
Data folder organization is systematic and used by the function to load and save. If follows this format: root_data_folder/attrs_1/attrs_2/…/attrs_n/step_name/version/file_name
root_data_folder: is the path to the root of your data folder, and is not exported in the metadata
attrs: information to classify your dataset (e.g. country, client, …)
step_name: name of the step. always starts with step_
version: version of the step. always starts with v_
file_name: name of the file. can be anything
Each folder is the output of a step. It contains a metadata.json file with information about all files in the folder and how it was generated. It can also contain a html page (if you set html_export=True in save()) that lets you visualize the pipeline and your metadata
Best Practices:
Do not use sf.reset as part of your final code
In one step, export only to one path (except the version). meaning for one step only one combination of attrs and step_name
Do not set sub-dirs within the export (i.e. version folder is the last depth). if you need similar operation for different datasets, create pipelines